Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Ways of Ascent

Ways of Ascent

The Staircase to Heaven has always preoccupied humankind. The ancients and modernists ask, "Is it deeds or belief that gets one to Paradise?" It is neither, it is the sheer mercy of God that does. What is belief without action? What is a good deed without sincerity? Surely God decided to communicate with humankind and left an immutable book which is called the Koran as His last message. If you open this book to Chapter 70 you can read "The Ways of Ascent." If you seek to see the Face of God then read Chapter 19 entitled "Mary" in the Koran. Life is short but Paradise and Hell are eternal. Therefore you owe it to yourself to know the Ways to Ascent. Each step draws us nearer to our reckoning, which can not be put off. Take one step to God and He will come to you with speed and watch yourself ascend.


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