Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Sister Act 3

Sister Act 3

Replacing Whoopi Goldberg and Lauryn Hill in Sister Act 3 will be my mother, Aunt Becky and Aunt Katie due to a conflict in schedule with Ms. Goldberg and Ms. Hill. This sequel is sure to be as funny and entertaining as the first two, because it's rich with deep southern love, gentleness and care. With a cameo appearance by my loving grandmother, Manute. She's sure to delight the audience with her high pitched voice and her inquiring mind which might teeter on being nosy. This is a family comedy that stresses the importance of family and sharing. They'll take you on their travels to Niagara Falls, northern migration and reflect on their life in the deep south. With hysterical banter from Grandma Nute this is sure to be the comedy of the year. Please check local media guides to find out what theaters are premiering this G-rated family comedy. Sister Act 3 is sure to grab top honors this week at the box office.


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